viernes, 15 de marzo de 2019

CANTO CÓSMICO: 29 Han Oido Hablar de Ti

La letra del canto en su versión original en la Colección de 
Cantos Cósmicos de Paramhansa Yogananda es la siguiente:

They Have Heard Thy Name

They have heard Thy name
the blind, halt and lame.
They have come to Thy door, Lord
they have come to Thy door.
Give them an audience, Lord!

They Have Heard Thy Name
the blind, halt and lame.
Those who are in despair,
wipe Thou their tears!

They have come to Thy door, Lors
they have come to Thy door.
Give them an audience, Lord!
They have heard Thy name
the blind, halt and lame.

Those who are drowned in sin,
to whom will they go?
They have no one, Lord
They have no one

Do not turn them a way.
They have heard Thy name,
the blind, halt and lame.

LETRA Y MELODÍA DEL CANTO en español en el siguiente enlace:

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